Sunday, November 28, 2010

Book of the Month December 2010

Evita se kossie sikelela / Evita Bezuidenhout

As die pad na versoening deur 'n land se maag loop, is Evita se boek die resep vir vrede. Die hele land - en die wye wêreled - word na haar tafel genooi waar almal saam kan smul aan geregte soos soet-en-suur pêreluitjies, aspersiekombersies, groenboontjiebredie en komynhoender met soetpatats. Wie kan skel en baklei met 'n mond vol okkerneutbolletjies of pampoenkoekies of gebakte appelnarre? Liewe aarde, na 'n rojale porsie rooiwynkonyn of tarentaal met sultanas en hanepoot kan daar net broederskap volg. Maar Tannie het aan alles gedink, want daar is ook respete vir diabete en vegetariërs, kosjer en halaal-resepte, en selfs resepte vir so 'n fietse lyf soos hare. Vir kleingoed, pieknieks, of Krismis - saam met Eviata is kokery towery vir lekkerkry.
"Om te eet, om lief te hê, om te sing en te verteer - dit is in der waarheid die vier bedrywighede waarmee ons mense ons bemoei in hierdie Opera Bouffe wat ons die lewe noem ... en wat so vlugtig is soos die borreltjies in 'n bottel sjampanje" - Rossini
Bron: Evita se kossie sikelela / Evita Bezuidenhout

Monday, October 25, 2010

Book of the Month November 2010

Embracing Hout Bay : over a century of making things happen from Dorman & Son to Mariner's Wharf and Fisherman's World

Visitors to and residents of Hout Bay will welcome this magnificently illustrated book which describes how it developed from a source of timber to the beautiful village it is today, with its world-famous Mariner's Wharf - the first such harbourfront emporium in Africa and the Southern Hemisphere - and Fisherman's World, a themed olden-days fishing village in the making.
Covering the development of the farming and fishing industries in Hout Bay, from the early days of corn and cattle, of snoek salted for sugar plantations in Mauritius and unwanted lobsters reddening the bottom of the bay, to the cultivation of vines, vegetables, butter and cream, and the advent of lobster quotas and smoked snoek, Embracing Hout Bay also deals with the many and substantial contributions made by the Dorman family since the arrival of Simon Dorman in the 1890's and their struggle against a large conglomerate determined to oust them from the fishing industry.
It is a story of triumph against adversity set against the backdrop of a family's love for the village and a determination to preserve it and its unique ambience for the future.

The editor, Gwynne Schrire, has always been passionately concerned about the importance of recording local history before the facts and stories are lost ; and has written many articles, books and family histories on the subject
Her involvement with Hout Bay dates back to warm childhood memories of walking on the beach, sliding down its sand dunes on carefully-boarded cardboard, hiking to the manganese mine, picnicking on Chapman's Peak, and many of the other activities mentioned in this book
She has also participated in an archaeological dig at the ruins of the old fort near the harbour, uncovering desiccated bones and the hinge along which a gun carriage had swivelled
Considering Hout Bay to be a mine of historical interest Gwynne was as delighted to have the opportunity of being involved in producing Embracing Hout Bay as she was to discover the efforts documented in the book which have gone into the preservation of the village and its historic cottages.
Source : Embracing Hout Bay : over a century of making things happen from Dorman & Son to Mariner's Wharf and Fisherman's World / edited by Gwynne Schrire

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Book of the Month October 2010

Waar vye nog soet is : van die werf na die spens en die tafel / Emilia le Roux & Francois Smuts

Doornkraal is die plaas se naam, net duskant De Rust. Dis waar Swepie en Ann le Roux al jare lank boer. Dis waar hule kinders geleer het om van die werf te leef, al sewe van hulle. Alles op Doornkraal se eettafel kom van die plaas af. Die gerookte sonneblomsade, die botter, die ricotta ... Die vis sou pas daar in die plaasdam gebyt het, die kweperlekkers flussies nog vrugte gewees het wat swaargeel in die heining vol vinke gehang het en die room sou daardie oggend nog die separator se hart laat klink-klink-klink- het ...
Emilia le Roux is een van die sewe kinders wat op Doornkraal se grond mens geword het. Sy en haar man, Francois Smuts, het hierdie boek geskryf vir elkeen wat hunker na die grond, en elkeen wat wil bak en brou soos in 'n plaaskombuis. Die boek is nie net 'n kookboek nie, maar ook 'n aardse selfhelpboek wat jou leer plant en natmaak en bemes en grootmaak en sorg. Dis 'n boek wat jou sal inspireer om weer mt die aarde kennis te maak en eenvoudig en sielvol te leef.
Bron : Waar vye nog soet is : van die werf na die spens en die tafel / Emilia le Roux & Francois Smuts

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Book of the Month September 2010

Nieuwoudtville : Bokkeveld Plateau & Hantam : a guide to the wild flowers of Nieuwoudtville, Calvinia , Botterkloof / Johan Manning & Peter Goldblatt

Foreword : Having visited Nieuwoudtville in September 1996 when the heavy rains had caused the flowering to be truly spectacular, I am really delighted to introduce this guidebook written by real experts on the regional flora.
There are few sights in the world as beautiful as the blooming of the Nanaqualand flora and it must rank high on the world-wide lists of important heritage sites
It is to be highly commended that some farmers in the Nieuwoudtville region are managing their farms to protect and encourage the flora. This is a fine example of sustainability about which we hear so much today. Because of this action by farmers some of the world's rarest and most beautiful flowers are being well protected.
I wish that this well illustrated book had been available for my visit to Niewoudtville, because like so many other visitors, I want to know the identity of the flowers which I saw. I know that tjis field guide will encourage other people to go and see for themselves this remarkable flora. I hope it will encourage all of us to support the efforts of the new South Africa and its people to preserve its unique flora.
I hope it will encourage all of us to support the efforts of the new South Africa and its people to preserve its unique flora.
Professor sir Ghillean Prance, FSR Director Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Book of the Month August 2010

Women and Art in South Africa / Marion Arnold

Women and art in South Africa. In this pioneering study, Marion Arnold explores the connections, hitherto hidden or neglected, between women and art in South Africa. By doing so, she recovers the rich histories of South African women artists and celebrates their creativity in the visual arts
In a series of related essays teeming with fresh insights, Marion Arnold asks new questions about the ways women have portrayed themselves, depicted landscapes, painted images of plants and sculpted the body. She examines, too, portraits of women (both black and whit)e in service and the long history of representations (usually by men) of the female 'other'
Throughout the book, the connections Marion Arnold makes between ideas, artists and their works are always illuminating and often unexpected. Here are not only familiar names viewed afresh - such as Maggie Laubser, Irma Stern, Helen Sebidi and Jane Alexander - but lesser-known artists who are rediscovered and brought to life
Dr Marion Arnold lectures in the Fine Arts Department at the University of Stellenbosch. Her two most recent books examine the work of Irma Stern and Thomas Baines (the latter book written with Jane Carruthers). She is a practising artist who has exhibited widely in South Africa and is represented in major collections.
Source : Women and art in South Africa / Marion Arnold

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Book of the Month July 2010

Classic African : authentic recipes from one of the oldest cuisines / Hilary Ford

An exciting collection of 40 traditional and new recipes from across the African continent - such as Yassa Chicken, Tanzanian Fish Curry, Black-eyed Bean Stew sith Spicy Pumpkin and many more.

Includes a fascinating introduction to African food, practical cook's tips and delightful illustrations.

Every recipe features step-by-step photographs of the techniques and a stunning colour picture of the finished dish.

Source : Classic African : authentic recipes from an ancient cuisine / Hilary Ford

Monday, May 31, 2010

Book of the Month June 2010

African soccerscapes : how a continent changed the world's game
From Africa and Algiers to Zanzibar and Zululand, African football today reflects the history and culture of those who play the game and how they have shaped it in a distinctively African manner. Football may obey global rules, but the influence of magicians and healers, the nurturing of different tactics and styles of play, and local forms of spectatorship give football in the continent a cultural and sporting imprint all of its own. In African Soccerscapes Peter Alegis explores how football was influenced by colonialism, the growth of cities, independence, and globalisation. Regional differences and the links between sport, culture and politics feature prominently in his book. In the independent era football offered a rare form of "national culture" in ethnically diverse nations and symbolised pan-African unity and solidarity through the anti-apartheid struggle and the campaign for more guaranteed places for African teams in the World Cup finals. Huge numbers of Africans play overseas, disproportionately rewarding European leagues at Africa's expense, and this phenomenon is discussed, as are the recent privatisation of the African game, football development programmes and the growth of women's football.
Source: African soccerscapes : how a content changed the world's game / Peter Alegi

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Book of the Month May 2010

Roofvoëls - 'n identifiseringsgids vir Suider-Afrika

Die adellike, indrukwekkende en soms wrede voorkoms van roofvoëls dwing nie net die meeste mense se bewondering af nie, maar maak hulle ook die gesogste groep onder voëlgeesdriftiges. Ongelukkig kan dit egter baie moeilik wees om roofvoëls te identifiseer. Die feit dat kleurvariasies binne 'n spesie voorkom, en jong en volwasse voëls baie verskil, maak dat mens hulle nie bloot volgens kleur reg kan identifiseer nie.
Ongelukkig kan dit egter baie moeilik wees om roofvoëls te identifiser. Die feit dat kleurvariasies binne 'n spesie voorkom, en jong en volwasse voëls baie verskil, maak dat mens hulle nie bloot volgens kleur reg kan identifiseer nie.
Jare se ervaring in identifiseringstegnieke het aan die skrywers bewys dat die maklikste manier om 'n roofvoëel te identifiseer, is om eers die groep waartoe die voël behoort, te bepaal. Sodra 'n sekere roofvoël in een van die 11 roofvoëlgroepe geplaas kan word, kan hy in 'n japtrap van ander roofvoëls onderskei word.
In 'n unieke afdeling in dié boek word spesies wat met mekaar verwar kan word, vergelyk en die verskille uitgewys.
Roofvoëls - 'n identifiseringsgids vir Suider-Afrika het 'n uitsonderlik gebruikersvriendelike stelsel van kleurkodes en kruisverwysings wat die gebruiker in staat stel om vinnig by die verlangde plek in die boek uit te kom. Die 12 bladsye vol vliegpatrone maak dit ook moontlik om roofvoëls in vlug met mekaar te vergelyk.
Die skrywers:
Ulrich Oberprieler is die afgelope 20 jaar al by omgewingsopvoeding betrokke en het veral bekend geword vir die uitstekende kursusse oor natuurverwante onderwerpe wat hy aanbied. Hy is 'n geesdriftige natuurlewefotograaf, en in hierdie stadium adjunkdirekteur van die Nasionale Dieretuin in Pretoria. Hy en Burger Cillié is ook die skrywers van die Sakgids tot Suider-Afrikaanse Voëls en Suider-Afrikaanse Tuinvoëls

Burger Cillié se liefde vir die natuur en natuurlewefotografie het hom aangespoor om 'n aantal diere- en voëlgidsboeke die lig te laat sien. Benewens die voëlboeke wat hy saam met Ulrich Oberprieler geskryf het, is hy ook die outeur van 'n Veldgids tot die Soogdiere van Suider-Afrika, Sakgids tot Suider-Afrikaanse soogdiere en Die Soogdiergids van Suider-Afrika
Bron: Roofvoëls - 'n identifiseringsgids vir Suider Afrika / Ulrich Oberprieler and Burger Cillié

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Book of the Month April 2010

Koekemakranka: Khoi-Khoin-kultuurgoed en kom-kuier-kos

Die geskiedenis van 'n groep mense se eetgewoontes oor eeue heen word ook uiteindelik hul kultuurgeskiedenis. In dié eeue oue verhaal van die Khoi-Khoin se kos, word ook die verhaal vertel van hule kultuur en leefwyse van toe tot nou. Van hul musiek en die ramkie met net een snaar. Van hul kleredrag, hul eetgerei en woonplekke, met selfs 'n beskrywing van hoe matjieshuise gemaak is.
Talle vertellings regstreeks uit die mond van 'n paar Khoi-Khoin wat nog onthou hoe dinge nog 'n paar dekades gelede gedoen is - en dalk plek-plek nog gedoen word - omskep hierdie in 'n besondere leeservaring
Vir die bewaringsbewustes is daar volop raad vir die aanlê van 'n eie veldkostuin en 'n tydige waarskuwing oor plante wat aan die uitsterf is en liewer met rus gelaat moet word. En om seker te maak dat die Khoi-Khoin se kom-kuier-kos op almal se tafels kan voortleef, word 'n verskeidenheid resepte ingesluit
Renata Coetzee is 'n navorser van formaat. Sy het onlangs 'n eredoktorsgraad ontvang van die Noordwes Universiteit vir haar dekades lange navorsing oor die eetkulture van die inheemse mense van Suid-Afrika. Deur mekaar se eetkultuur te leer ken, leer ons ook mekaar ken. Boeke wat uit haar navorsing gespruit het is onder meer Funa food from Africa - Roots of African food culture en Spys en drank - die oorsprong van die Afrikaanse eetkultuur
Bron: Koekemakaranka: Khoi-Khoin kultuurgoed en kom-kuier-kos/ Renata Coetzee en Volker Miros

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Book of the Month February 2010

A life in transition / Alex Boraine

Alex Boraine's life is a fascinating story of fighting injustice and turning dreams into reality. A child of the Great Depression, he rose from lowly beginnings in a working-class family to become head of the Methodist Church, and MP for the Progressive Federal party, and deputy chairperson of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

This is an insider's account of a range of important institutions and events in South African history: the halls of parliament in the 1970s and 1980s, the controversial conference with the ANC in Dakar in 1987, and the hearings of the TRC in the mid-1990s. Boraine gives insights into people he met along the way, including Harry Oppenheimer, Steve Biko, Van Zyl Slabbert, Thabo Mbeki and Desmond Tutu. He also takes us beyond South Africa to some of the world's most turbulent trouble spots, from Serbia to Sierra Leone, Liberia to Sri Lanka.

Something about the author:

Alex Boraine was born in Cape Town in 1931. After entering the ministry, he studied at Rhodes, Oxford and Drew University in the USA. He was appointed youngest-ever President of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa in 1970, worked as an employment practices consultant for Anglo American, and was elected to parliament as an MP for the Progressive Party in 1974. He resigned in 1986 and, together with Frederik van Zyl Slabbert, founded IDASA, which organised the 1987 meeting with ANC leaders in Dakar, Senegal.

Boraine was one of the main architects of the Truth And Reconciliation Commission, and served beside Desmond Tutu as its deputy chairperson from 1996 to 1998. After teaching transitional justice at the New York University Law School, he became the founding president of the International Center for Transitional Justice, and has travelled to many contries that are in transition from dictatorship to democracy, at the invitation of governments and NGOs' to share the South African experience and to assist countries in their search for a democratic culture and sustainable peace.