Foods and Drinks - (1)cereals, (2)seeds & nuts, (3)fruits & berries, (4)vegetables, (5)roots, bulbs & tubers, and (6)beverages.
Health & Beauty - (7)general medicines, (8)tonic plants, (9)mind & mood plants, (10)women's health,(11)wounds, burns & skin conditions,(12)dental care, (13)perfumes & repellents, and (14)soap plants & cosmetics
Skills & Crafts - (15)hunting & fishing, (16)dyes & tans, (17)utility timbers, (18)fire-making and firewoord, (19)basketry, weaving & ropes, (20)thatching, mats & brooms.
Plants and plant-derived products of special cultural and/or commercial significance are highlighted. Key references for further reading are provided for each of the 20 categories of plant use. More than 530 excellent photographs are included, showing the plants, plant products and the way in which they are used.
This fascinating book is a must for anyone interested in useful plants, new crop plants, medicinal plants, new product development, ecotourism, rural development, traditional crafts, African culture, ethnobotany, and botany in gerenal.
Something about the others:
Ben-Erik van Wyk is a professor of Botany at the Rand Afrikaans University in Johaneesburg. He is an authority on systematic botany and indigenous plant use.
Nigel Gericke is a medical doctor and and authority on medical ethnobotany. He has a natural products consultancy in Cape Town.
Both authors passionatley believe that there has to be a concerted effort to develop novel products of exceptional quality from selected "people's plants" for regional and global markets. They want to encourage a new breed of eco-entrepreneurs to harness the synergies between indigenous knowledge systems, scientific research, and modern technologies to drive sustainable development in the southern Arican region for the benefit of all its peoples.
Source: People's plants a guide to useful plants of Southern Africa © 2000 / Ben-Erik van Wyk & Nigel Gericke
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Bettie de Kock
I am most impressed with your Book of the Month section on the UP Libraries website. The link to the item in the library catalogue is especially noteworthy!
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