Monday, December 2, 2013

Book of the Month December 2013


Rainbow cuisine / Lannice Snyman photographed by Andrzej Sawa
Hout bay, South Africa : S & S Publishers, 1998
In little more over three hundred years, one of the world's most intriguing and diverse cuisines has evolved at the southern tip of Africa.
The challenge of capturing for posterity this ongoing, ever-changing - and largely undiscovered - culinary evolution has been a fascinating, awe- inspiring task for author Lannice Snyman and photographer Andrzej Sawa, South Africa's foremost food writing, styling and photographic team, who also published the book. They spent seven years travelling the length and breadth of the country to track down historical and regional delicacies, and studying - and photographing - the multi-cultural lifestyle of the population. The result is the keenly awaited Rainbow cuisine, a book which, for the first time, encompasses the foods of all the peoples of the country, and sets them against the grand backdrop of South Africa's scenic splendour. The insightful, informative text explores the human and culinary history of seven geographical regions, and traces the local diet from the days when the land was inhabited by hunter-gatherers and pastoralists, through the arrival of European settlers and folk from eastern lands, and on to modern times. Rainbow cuisine takes the reader on a travelogue as well as a gastronomic tour-all in one stunning volume. It is a book to browse through, to read, to cook from, and to treasure.

Source : Rainbow Cuisine / Lannice Snyman photography by Andrzej Sawa

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Book of the Month November 2013

The Waterberg: the natural splendours and the people /William Taylor and David Holt-Biddle ; photographs by Gerald Hinde

Foreward by Clive Walker

The Waterberg has a natural beauty which, for those who know the area well, is unmatched elsewhere - from its soaring craggy heights on the southern escarpment where the " Seven Sisters" guard the plains, to the north-eastern buttresses of spectacular rock formations, rising sheer out of the bushveld lowlands. It also gives one a sense of limitless space ; the central plateau provides an extraordinary feeling of emptiness, despite the fact that early man has lived here for thousands of years, as evidenced by the abundance of rock art and ancient archaeological sites.

Straddling an area of 15 000 sq km in Limpopo, the Waterberg region has gone almost unnoticed for decades. With its brooding mountain ranges it conjures up images of gun runners, tax evaders, remittance men and hunters ; but the real people who have settled here are serious-minded pioneer folk and their families, who have put down deep roots within these hills and valleys. Its extraordinary biodiversity, geological features and cultural aspects make this area a special place to visit and live in. .......

Source : Cape Town : Struik,2003. The Waterberg ; the natural splendours and the people /  William Taylor and David Holt-Biddle ; photographs by Gerald Hinde.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Book of the Month October 2013

Pretoria, South Africa's administrative capital, offers a wealth of experiences for tourists and citizens. This lofty city, known for her purple jacaranda haze in October, is also home to the lovers of history, arts and culture, education, science and industry, leisure, parks, nature and wildlife. The book offers numerous tit-bits of information of interest to the visitor, including a guide to restaurants, accommodation, theatres, shopping malls and public services.

Discover Pretoria introduces the visitor to the historical background and main highlights of the city. For Pretorians too, this book opens many treasures right on their doorstep.

Source : Pretoria : J.L. van Schaik, 1999 : Discover Pretoria / Heinie Heydenrych, Abrie Swiegers.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Book of the Month August 2013

Mr Cobham has written a personal and unvarnished account of his memorable flight from London to Cape Town and back. This is illustrated almost entirely from photographs taken by members of the expedition.

As a survey of the possibilities of great intermediate air routes throughout Africa, in its commercial significance, and as a contribution to our national and imperial prestige the flight was of the first importance. There is good reason, therefore, that everyone should be enabled to possess the record of this modern Elizabethan adventurer.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Book of the Month July 2013

Mandela : the authorized portrait : editorial consultants Mac Maharaj and Ahmed Kathrada, narrative : Mike Nicol ; interviews ; Tim Couzens, Rosalind Coward and Mina Frense.

On February 11, 1990, a dignified elderly man walked hand-in-hand with the wife from whom he had been forced to live apart for twenty-seven years out of prison and into history. It is a date and an image the world will never forget: the day Nelson Mandela was freed.

From that day on, Nelson Mandela's immense courage and personal moral authority moved out of the shadows of his prison cell to stand as beacons of hope first to a bittterly divided nation and then to the whole world. Other images have followed: a smiling Mandela casting his vote in his country's first general election, a solemn Mandela at his inauguration as the first president of a democratic South Africa. Mandela with world leaders, with celebrities, with his wife Graca Machel and his family, in the midst of the crowds of children who are drawn to him wherever he goes.

Nelson Mandela occupies a unique place in our world. In Mandela: The Authorized Portrait the narrative of his epic journey to freedom is accompanied by the most complete collection of images ever assembled and by more than sixty specially commissioned interviews. World leaders, friends, and associates ranging from President Bill Clinton to Tony Blair, from Bono to President Thabo Mbeki, from his comrades in the South African struggle against apartheid to Muhammad Ali have all contributed their individual stories to build a compelling picture of this inspirational man through the eyes of those closest to him.

Source : Mandela the authorized portrait : editorial consultants Mac Maharaj and Ahmed Kathrada.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Book of the Month June 2013

Hierdie boek is die resultaat van 'n behoefte om hulde te bring aan die Boesmans van die Kalahari asook, om stories uit my bewaringslewe oor te vertel aan vriende en families. Dit gee die boek 'n styl van "bedstories met slapenstyd" wat ek vir my kinders sou vertel het wanneer ek van die veld af teruggekom het.. As navorser moes ek ook die unieke wetenskaplike geheime wat in die Kalahari opgesluit is , probeer ontrafel. Verder moet ek aan die leser verduidelik onder watter uniek toestande die Boesmans aan die suidpunt van Afrika oorleef het. Die faktore wat bygedra het dat ek die voorreg gehad het om in die Kalahari navorsing te kon doen kan byvoorbeeld nie verduidelik word sonder die geskiedkundige agtergrond van die gebied nie.

Ek moes gevolglik 'n keuse uitoefen in watter styl die boek geskryf word? Ek het die goue middeweg gekies om die wetenskap as doek te gebruik waarop ek my stories kon skets. Ek het sover moontlik die omgewing waarin die Boesmans in harmonie geleef het probeer skets. Die lywige lyste van dier- en plantsoorte agter in die boek sal voornemende besoekers aan die Kalahari in staat stel om goed voorbereid te wees wanneer hulle die gebied besoek. Ek deel my wedervaringe en heimweë as 'n "baie lang kampvuurstorie" met jou uit my wetenskaplike pen.

Lekker lees.
Fritz Eloff
April 2012

Bron : Eloff, Fritz (in samewerking met Kobus du Toit), 2012 : Kinders van die duine : die lewe en omgewing van die Kalahari Boesman van weleer , Kejafa, Krugersdorp.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Book of the Month May 2013

More than places to get a hair cut, barbershops and salons serve as the community hubs of South African townships. Known locally as informal barbershops, these establishments attract customers with sharp and snappy vernacular designs. In South African Township Barbershops & Salons, Simon Weller presents vivid photographs of signage, shops and their patrons alongside interviews with the proprietors, customers and sign makers. This honest and intimate portrayal of small businesses challenges preconceptions, gives voice to township residents and reveals an undeniable aspect of South African culture.

Something about the author :

Simon Weller graduated with a degree in graphic design from from Staffordshire University. He worked as a cover designer in London for publishers Penguin Books and Harper Collins before becoming a freelance photographer in 2001.

His clients include Airstream, Channel 4 television, EMI Records, Tate Gallery, Toyota and Wired. Simon's photographs are represented by Getty Images and Corbis. In the last decade he has photographed in China, India, Japan, Mongolia, Southeast Asia, Russia and the United States.

Source :  Weller, Simon, South African townships barbershops and salons. Mark Batty Publisher, New York.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Book of the Month April 2013

David Kramer : 'n biografie / Mathilda Slabbert & Dawid de Villiers

Wie is die man agter die rooi vellies en die blink kitaar? David Kramer se bekendheid strek wyer asdie Karoo se vlaktes. Hy het volksbesig geword danksy sy wegholtreffers in die tagtigerjare en sy verskyning in etlike Volkswagen-advertensies. 'n dekade later bring sy musiekblyspele saam met Taliep Petersen internasionale roem met vertonings op die West End en Broadway.

Ten spyte van "almal se pel" -persona, is Kramer egter 'n hoogs private mens. Dié biografie onthul die fyn waarnemer en intellektureel, die man wat kan toor met Afrikaans en die rustelose kunstenaar wat gedurig smag na nuwe uitdagings. Dit verklap ook waarom hy vir 'n tyd lank sy rooi velskoene opgehang het.

Iets oor die skrywers :

Mathilda Slabbert doseer Engels aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch en het in 2010 haar post-doktorale navorsing oor David Kramer se werk voltooi. Sy het al oor uiteenlopende onderwerpe artikels gepubliseer, onder meeer oor die eko-kritiek, mites en oor lewensbeskrywing. Sy woon op Bettysbaai.

Dawid de Villiers is 'n dosent by die departement Engels aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Hy spits hom hoofsaaklik toe op Amerikaanse literatuur, maar het ook artikels oor Suid-Afrikaanse musiek en rolprente gepubliseer. Hy stel tans veral belang in literatuur met die see as tema. Hoewel hy gebore is in Amsterdam, het hy grootgeword in Wellington waar hy steeds woon saam met René en hul seun, Lukas. van tyd tot tyd maak hy musiek saam met sy band.

Bron : David Kramer : 'n biografie © 2011 / Mathilda Slabbert en Dawid de Villiers.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Book of the Month March 2013

Cyril Ramaphosa © 2007 / Anthony Butler

Cyril Ramaphosa is one of South Africa's is one of South Africa's most celebrated political leaders. He first came to prominence in the 1980's as general secretary of the National Union of Mineworkers and as a major force in the domestic struggle for political freedom. When Nelson Mandela was released from prison in February 1990, Ramaphosa was at the head of the reception committee that greeted him. As secretary-general of the ANC after its unbanning, he re-established the liberation movement as a mass political party. He is widely credited with playing a major role in the negotiations that led to the democratic settlement in South Africa, and in devising the country's new and internationally renowned constitution. Soon after this triumph, Ramaphosa left politics and became a successful businessman.

This commanding biography by Anthon Butler tells the story of Cyril Ramaphosa's life for the first time. It is based on rich interviews with many of the subject's friends and contemporaries, and it situates Ramaphosa's achievements and his shortcomings in the context of the often tumultuous historical events that surrounded him. Here is a frank appraisal of the achievements and limitations of one of South Africa's most enigmatic political figures.

Source : Cyril Ramaphosa © 2007 / Anthony Butler

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Book of the Month Jan/Feb 2013

Voices from the forest : celebrating nature and culture in Xhosaland / Tony Dold & Michelle Cocks.

Michelle Cocks and Tony Dold have spent many years documenting the role that nature plays in the cultural and spiritual landscapes of the Xhosa people in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. Voices from the forest presents, for the first time, this poorly understood theme in the context of sustaining cultural heritage and conserving biodiversity in South Africa..

The book is not only a record of knowledge about Xhosa people and their use of plants, but serves as a pointer to sustainable practices in the future. In our modernising world, cultural diversity is threatened by the loss of natural diversity, and finding ways of protecting the region's biodiversity and cultural diversity is of vital importance.

Voices from the forest includes a wealth of information on Eastern Cape plants and animals, Xhosa culture and the environment, which is not recorded as comprehensively, accessibly and authoritatively anywhere else. It is a unique and vital record of information. It also gives moving insights into the Xhosa people's hold on their culture, their sense of place and of their history. As a focussed social record, it is exceptionally valuable - and it also has a far wider application : what you learn from it, you know must also apply in different ways to countless other peoples whose way of living has been changed and uprooted.

Tony Dold is a plant taxonomist and ethnobotanist and is the curator of the Selmar Schonland Herbarium at the Albany Museum in Grahamstown. Michelle Cocks is a research officer at the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) at Rhodes University.

A husband and wife team, Tony and Michelle both grew up in rural Transkei. They are passionate about the link between different cultures and the environment, and for the past 20 years have documented and photographed indigenous plant use in the Eastern Cape. They believe their shared passion has birthed a new vision for the conservation of biological and cultural diversity and together they facilitate a schools education programme called " Inkcubeko nendalo - Bio-cultural Diversity Education Programme".   Source : Voices from the forest : celebrating nature and culture in Xhosaland /Tony Dold & Michelle Cocks.