Craft South Africa In an African context there is really no distinction between "craft" and "art".
Craft South Africa is a visual celebration of South Africa's extraordinary wealth of handmade objects and the people who craft them. From elegant traditional water-storage pots made in rural areas to sophisticated silver jewellery fashioned in urban studios, from headdresses that have adorned Zulu maidens for over a century to contemporary tapestries that explore new materials such as safety pins, the tradition of inspired craft remains a vital expression of the communal nature of South African society.
The authors, all experts in the field of South African craft, develop three themes:
Traditional looks at objects created in ways that have remained unchanged for decades. Many of these objects, originally used for practical everyday activities, now have pride of place in homes from Johannesburg to New York.
Transitional explores craft objects that have their roots in traditional methods of materials but have been adapted to incorporate new materials and techniques - for instance telephone wire baskets that combine traditional basket-making technique with a new material to create highly sought-after decor objects.
Contemporary celebrates the creation, using both old and new materials, of contemporary designer ware and one-of-a-kind craft objects.
Craft South Africa is a fascinating tale of the intuitive creativity of craftspeople in a country of widely diverse people, all contributing their knowledge, skill and, frequently, their humour and whimsy to a pool of crafts that is unique to South Africa
Source: Craft South Africa by Susan Sellschop, Wendy Goldblatt and Doreen Hemp